Sunday, November 3, 2013

Kathleen finishes with 20:15

That's it.  The 2013 XC season ends, although it's a beautiful day the day after.  I hope somebody ran today.  Good luck at Foot Locker and in 2014.

Kathleen runs in the 4A race and is 81st with a 20:15. Green Hope wins again, followed closely by T.C. Roberson, Myers Park, and Providence.  Broughton wins the Boys again, way ahead of the 4A West schools.

NC Runners covers itNCPrepTrack always has nice summaries.  Go Blue Ridge

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Kathleen to Kernersville! Michael and a lot of PRs.

Kathleen will be running at the state meet Saturday at 4pm.  Kernersville (Exit 203).   It's worth seeing the races.  Watauga will be back soon.  The 4A races should be good.  Maybe Green Hope will be stopped finally.  News coverage around the state.

GoBlueRidge on the regional meet, quoting Coach Mac: ""Kathleen has been steady for us all season," McDonough said. "She got in there with a strong effort on Saturday. It's disappointing that we didn't qualify any of our teams. But Kathleen will represent us well at the state meet next week. I'm proud of her, and I have a lot of confidence in her.""

Coach Hoyal:  "Saturday saw some great racing at our Region Meet at Charlotte's McAlpine Park. Despite the overwhelming amount of PRs our runners set on the day, we still came up short of a team state qualifier. However, our Kathleen Mansure managed to place high enough in the girls' race to qualify for State next weekend in Kernersville. Congratulations Kathleen, and to everyone who gave it their all last Saturday."

Not much consolation, but Michael Holland ran a strong race, and that was a wall of solid PRs behind him Saturday.  This was a tough year in some ways, but maybe more for the observers than for the athletes.  From the start, Watauga seemed to just want to run and get on with the future.  They took care of the conference championships.  Congratulations, and if it was hard not being #1 or #2 or whatever, thanks for hanging in there.

Foot Locker and other races are coming up (and summer's not far off either).  There will be a banquet in a few weeks.

This came up on news search of XC Watauga:  " . . . and sophomore/freshman Hailey Middlebrook (Boone, N.C./Watauga) (20:10.4) rounded out Michigan's seven-person squad at today's regular-season finale, as . . .  Middlebrook finished the race 52nd."

Saturday, October 26, 2013

Results -- Full results. Watauga Boys 5th, Kathleen qualifies!

Girls results:  Watauga 8th.
      Kathleen Mansure, 23rd, 19:31 season best
      Celia Jackson, 35th, 20:04  Did not quite match her Wendy's time, but close.
      Lily Weeks, 38th, 20:15 PR
      Lynde Wangler, 21:17 season best
      Sophie Sloboda, 21:52 PR by more than a minute
      Finley Collins, 21:52 PR
      Lauren Welsh, 21:59 PR by almost a minute
Boys results:  Watauga 5th, pretty solidly ahead of 6th place Ardrey Kell.
      Michael Holland, 16th, 16:33
      Jacob Soule', 25th, 16:45 PR, dropped another half minute off his big Wendy's PR
      Matt Osborne, 30th, 16:52 PR
      Will Vandenberg, 17:05
      Zak Horine, 17:21 PR
      Zack Styron, 17:29 PR by more than 30 seconds
      Grant Pilkington, 18:05 tied his Wendy's PR

NC Runners meet page

These results look pretty solid.
Boys:  It looks like Watauga came in 5th.  That's pretty good.  Michael 16th.  Jacob and MattO had good runs too!  16:35, 16:45, and 16:52!
Lake Norman beats Providence, in a bit of a surprise, followed by TC Roberson and Myers Park.  Providence's Maxey beats Lake Norman's Sheehan this time.

Girls:  Providence 1st, Myers Park, TC Roberson, Lake Norman.  Kathleen qualifies, so Watauga will be there next Saturday.  (There will also be part of the team doing the SAT there at Kernersville, but that's not quite the same.)

Like Watauga, Ardrey Kell also failed to qualify either team.  They qualified 2 girls.

Friday, October 25, 2013

Go Watauga!

NC Runners meet page:  Boys at 10:30am, Girls at 11:30am.  First results should show about 10:45am.  Full results, who knows?

NC Runners does have their rankings up, but don't bother.  Michael Holland is their #10 in the West and will probably get a big PR.  Neither team is in their top 5s, and you have to make the top 4 to qualify for next week in Kernersville.  But let's give it a shot.  Things can happen.  Cool air, a dry track, first time at McAlpine this year for several runners, a good chance for big PRs from sophomores and freshmen.

Watauga's team page at NC Runners.  It's been a good, hopeful XC season.  Let's keep it going just a bit longer.

The 3A races are scheduled for 10 and 11am. 

The 4A races should be interesting.  At Wendy's, one of the Boys favorites, Wyatt Maxey, of Providence, finished far back in his race, while Patrick Sheehan of Lake Norman ran a great 14:55, the fastest in the state this year. 
The Girls team race should be very close between Providence and Myers Park, although they may be thinking about Green Hope next week.  TC Roberson is not that far off either.  The West might be weaker this year, but it has #2, #3, #4, #10, and #11 in NC Runners state 4A ranking.

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

4A West Regional

NC Runners meet page:
back home to McAlpine Park.
Boys at 10:30am
Girls at 11:30am

"It is essential that the athlete work to maintain his/her body weight at this point in the season, as well. . . . Also, make sure your runner is eating enough at meal times, especially in the form of complete protein (meat, eggs, dairy, soy products if vegetarian), healthy fat (nuts, olive oil, avocado, etc.), fruits/vegetables, and carbohydrates to fuel exercise performance."
"If you believe that you can run a 30sec 5K PR, then you can. . . . Trust your training, and banish all doubt!"
" . . . be passionately assertive in a race, but not overly bullish the first mile (or 800m, for that matter). Start the race with your head, but always finish with your heart."

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Seniors, Thanks to volunteers at VCF

Thanks to everyone who worked the Valle Country Fair.

Watauga seniors, some of whom have run for 4 years:
Devin Windelspecht, Gabe Irwin, Silas Keeter, Logan Shaut, Patrick Burton, Andrew Harrelson.  Matt Osborne and Jacob Soule' will run at the Regional.  (Goodbye to 7 years of Osbornes volunteering too.)
Sophia Prisco, Sidney Wiswell.  Celia Jackson and Lynde Wangler will be racing again Saturday.
Celia, in particular, has run a lot of races for Watauga.  She's been fairly injury free and got to run some regional and state championship races, starting in her freshman year.

Not everyone is finished.  There are 2 more meets and lots of running after that..  But thanks to Coach Hoyal for his first cross country season at Watauga.

Next Saturday, the varsity runs at the 4A West Regional at Charlotte's McAlpine Park.  The following Saturday, the State Championships in Kernersville. 

Friday, October 18, 2013

PRs (and season bests) at Conference Championship Meet

Lynde's 22:07 was her best of the season, as she continues to come back from injury.
Sophie Sloboda 23:14!
Sophia Prisco  23:46 PR (probably)
Mandy Eagle-Farrar  23:57 best of the season
Jessie Wangler  24:03 best of the season
Maddie Allain 24:20
Barbara Ramsell 25:00
Nicole Fanatico  25:52
Sylvia Wood  26:15
Dakota Harmon  26:20
Kasey Stokes  27:11
Ruby Boisclair  27:31 best of the season
Lucy Edy 27:49
Lindsay Cole  28:22
Madison Scruggs 28:25
Katie Patton  28:36

Zack Cole  18:32
Gabe Irwin  19:08
Caleb Zimmerman  20:32 best of the season
Jake Ellington  21:16
Jake Boggs  21:39
Jeremy McAdams  21:50
Josh Lewis 22:02
Caleb Stoudt  22:07
Silas Keeter  22:13
Patrick Burton  22:17
Jackson Tucker  22:47  first 5K race!
Connor Badger  23:19

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Thursday notes

There were races today for grades 1-3, 4-6, and middle school students.  No complete results yet, but Chase and Holden were winners.

GoBlueRidge -- "Chalk Up Another One for WHS"

Bill Bisignani was named Watauga Athlete of the Week.  He led the team at last week's meet at Ashe.  He ran a 19:18.

Watauga Sweeps

Watauga Democrat  -- "Watauga sweeps cross-country finals": 
Kathleen Mansure, Lily Weeks, Celia Jackson, Lynde Wangler, and Finley Collins were in the top 13 finshers.  Sophie Sloboda also finished before the 5th Hickory runner. 
Michael Holland, Matt Osborne, Jacob Soule', Will Vandenberg, and Zach Styron were in the top 15 boys.  Grant Pilkington, Zach Horine, and Zack Cole also finished before the 5th Fred T. Foard competitor.  Girls resultsBoys results.
South Caldwell's Dylan Matthewson won the Boys race and Michael won 3rd place.  Hickory's Ellen Juerges won the Girls race, with Kathleen close behind.

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Watauga Wins 2! Conference Champions!

They did it!  Team wins for both Watauga Boys and Girls!  Conference Champions!

Girls Results:  The Girls won 41 to 48, over 2nd place Hickory.

Boys Results:  The Boys win 43 to 49.  Seven Watauga runners finished before Foard's 5th.

The Morganton News-Herald covered the meet.

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Go Watauga! Go Seniors!

Volunteer for the Valle Country Fair Saturday, at the Valle Crucis Park.  Especially for late afternoon shifts.

Maybe the biggest meet of the year Wednesday.  The Nothwestern 4A/3A Conference Championship is at Freedom High School in Morganton.  Every team can go on to the regionals, so this is just for bragging and tradition.

UPDATE -- Boys start at 4:45pm and Girls at 5:30pm.

Watauga ran 65 athletes in the 2 races last year.  This will be the last meet for some of the Watauga seniors.

Directions:  There are directions to Freedom High School, Morganton, under Directions, in the column to the left.  But last trip to Morganton, the team went through Avery County to avoid the construction in and around Blowing Rock.  G Map, 1:13 from Boone.

Also, in case you stop reading this week, don't forget:
  • There should be a banquet about mid-November.
  • Usually a dozen or so Watauga athletes run at the Foot Locker South Regional on Nov. 30 in Charlotte.  You don't have to qualify for this meet.
  • Will there be a kids' race next week?  Maybe not, if the university is no longer sharing the intramural fields. 
  • Keep running.
Update:  NC Runners has their team rankings up.  It's best to ignore them.  Just run the races against whoever shows up.  (But Fred T. Foard does have the #10 and #12 3A teams.)

Saturday, October 12, 2013

Saturday notes -- Coach Hoyal wins uphill race, Championship Wednesday

Coach Hoyal won the run up Howard Knob Friday evening.

The season is almost over.  One more week together for most runners.  Varsity runners will keep training and run at the West Regional back in Charlotte on October 26.  Michael and Kathleen and (I hope a lot of) others will be running at the state meet the Saturday after that.

The Conference Championship is at Freedom High School in Morganton.  Watauga should be the favorite to win both Girls and Boys.  It's going to be close.  Expect a great competition.  Watauga has dominated the Northwestern 4A/3A Conference, winning the Girls 27 times in the last 29 years and the Boys 24 out of 29.  Keep an eye on those Fred T. Foard and South Caldwell runners.  (72 degrees and partly sunny75 and PM sun.) 

There will be only two races, Boys  and Girls --no JV races .  Only the 5 fastest times count (except the 6th and 7th fastest can block other teams' top 5 scores), but everyone runs together.

Friday, October 11, 2013

Ashe County meet -- full results

Still a slot or two for volunteers tonight.  The conference meet is next Wednesday.

Here are the full results from the meet in Ashe.

1 Wilkes Cent. Jordyn Halvorsen 22:28.1
2 Ashe Mac Church 22:41.6
3 Ashe Tyler Eller 23:20.4
4 Ashe Alexes Armstrong 23:25.6
5 Wilkes Cent. Makayla Estep 23:42.0
6 Ashe Margot Mattix 23:42.5
7 Watauga Mandy Eagle-Farrar 24:29.3
8 Watauga Jesse Wangler 25:01.0
9 Watauga Maddie Allain 25:10.7
10 Watauga Barbara Ramsdell 25:15.9
11 Ashe Brooklyn Roten 25:21.6
12 Watauga Chloe Shaut 25:41.0
13 Wilkes Cent. Randi Pinkerton 25:47.1
14 Ashe Kalyn Chapman 25:52.6
15 Ashe Caroline Trent 26:11.2
16 Watauga Nichole Fanatico 26:16.4
17 Watauga Caty Neely 26:22.7
18 Wilkes Cent. Montanna Shores 26:24.8
19 Starmount Janet Zamorra 26:25.1
20 Watauga Simran Sethi 26:29.9
21 Ashe Olivia Brettschneider 26:37.5
22 Ashe Monica Francisco 26:51.3
23 Ashe Audrey Anna Sanchez 27:07.6
24 Watauga Sylvia Wood 27:12.4
25 Watauga Dakota Harmon 27:12.7
26 Watauga Rachel Foutz 27:29.7
27 Ashe Claire Liszka 27:46.8
28 Watauga Hallie McDaniel 27:52.6
29 Starmount Jenny Carranza 27:58.1
30 Watauga Kasey Stokes 28:17.7
31 Ashe Kaitlyn Jordan 28:39.6
32 Watauga Ruby Boisclair 28:57.2
33 Ashe Lauren Testerman 29:01.1
34 Ashe Amber Miller 29:03.3
35 Starmount Amber Fernando 29:31.7
36 Watauga Lucy Edy 29:40.5
37 Watauga Katy Patton 30:12.4
38 Ashe Kate LeaShomb 30:32.5
39 Watauga Madison Scruggs 30:38.2
40 Starmount Monica Sixtos 32:32.6
41 Watauga Lindsay Cole 32:54.4
42 Ashe Rosy Alvera 33:55.6
43 Starmount Candy Morales 34:13.9
44 Starmount Tessica Martin 37:13.4
45 Starmount Michaela Cockerham 39:47.2

1 Ashe Andrew Tedder 17:43.2
2 Ashe Gareth Berry 17:48.6
3 Alleghany Daniel Serrano 19:07.4
4 Wilkes Cent. Austin Motsinger 19:15.5
5 Watauga Bill Bisignani 19:18.1
6 Ashe RJ Burke 19:23.8
7 Wilkes Cent. Ryan Barrett 19:38.4
8 Watauga Gabe Irwin 19:39.3
9 Watauga Devin Windelspecht 19:47.3
10 Wilkes Cent. Devon Redmon 20:21.4
11 Ashe Brady Buchanon 20:27.9
12 Wilkes Cent. Kobe Alexander 20:35.0
13 Wilkes Cent. Duncan Battle 20:44.3
14 Ashe Tyler Lambert 20:54.0
15 Ashe Thomas McNeill 21:16.4
16 Watauga Jake Ellington 21:25.1
17 Watauga Jarrett Pritchard 21:33.8
18 Watauga John Corley 21:42.2
19 Watauga Sam Williams 21:49.0
20 Ashe Billy Reyna 22:01.8
21 Ashe Conner Donnachy 22:02.6
22 Watauga Evan Miller 22:03.9
23 Watauga Caleb Stoudt 22:14.1
24 Watauga Caleb Zimmerman 22:21.8
25 Watauga Daniel McAdams 22:31.5
26 Watauga Jeremy McAdams 22:35.8
27 Watauga Patrick Burton  22:42.5
28 Wilkes Cent. Etahn Ortega 22:42.9
29 Watauga Ben Taub 22:51.8
30 Alleghany Lucas Rife 22:57.6
31 Wilkes Cent. Peter Gray 22:58.3
32 Watauga Jake Boggs 23:01.9
33 starmount Stuart Wilkins 23:08.9
34 Watauga Josh Lewis  23:16.1
35 Watauga Deshaun Grimes 23:18.0
36 Watauga Travis Tucker  23:18.3
37 Watauga Zack Pifer 23:18.6
38 Watauga Silas Keeter  23:41.9
39 Watauga Logan Shaut  23:43.4
40 Watauga Connor Badger 23:49.4
41 Wilkes Cent. Andrew Gray 24:26.0
42 starmount Brandon Gamble 24:50.5
43 Wilkes Cent. DeAndre Nelson 24:58.1
44 Alleghany Logan Edwards 25:25.1
45 Wilkes Cent. Tanner Bailey 25:56.0
46 Alleghany Austin Davis 26:04.6
47 Alleghany Troy Hudson 26:06.1
48 starmount Jared Horten 26:20.6
49 starmount Gonzalo Zamorra 26:34.9
50 Ashe Eben MacKnee 27:16.2
51 Watauga Gabe Long 27:32.9

Girls Team                                Boys Team

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Volunteer Friday and October 19

There are still a few slots for volunteers for Friday night concessions.  It must be a football game.

Also, a week from Saturday, on October 19, the Valle Country Fair!  At Valle Crucis Park.  The team needs volunteers and stuff.

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Ashe County results -- partial

Coach Mac has posted results from this afternoon's meet.  Watauga Girls finish 3rd, led by Mandy, Jessie, Maddie, Barbara, and Chloe.  The Boys finished 2nd and were led by Bill, Gabe, Devin, Jake, and Jarrett.  Ashe County won their home meet, both Boys and Girls.

Look for full results under Announcements, in left column.  Nope.  Cannot load them.  I'll try again Wednesday.

Ashe County results

Coach Mac has posted results from this afternoon's meet.  Watauga Girls finish 3rd, led by Mandy, Jessie, Maddie, Barbara, and Chloe.  The Boys finished 2nd and were led by Bill, Gabe, Devin, Jake, and Jarrett.  Ashe County won their home meet, both Boys and Girls.

Look for full results under Announcements, in left column.  Nope.  Cannot load them.  I'll try again Wednesday.

Monday, October 7, 2013

Ashe County Meet Tuesday

Almost everyone goes to the meet Tuesday at Ashe County.  But about 20 of the faster runners will train with Coach Hoyal back in Boone.  Check Coach Mac's e-mail.  (9 days until the Conference Championship.)

The meet starts at 4:40pm.  The Boys goes at 4:40 and the Girls starts at 4:45pm, right behind them.  They should be home fairly early.

Will won on this course last year, but he took a wrong turn first.  Watch out.

Ashe County High School's website says that Starmount (Yadkin County), Allegheny, and Wilkes Central are coming.

Where is the actual course? Probably at the high school.
Ashe County High School is just off US Highway 221.  Map. 35 minutes.

* Take Hwy. 421 South to Deep Gap.
* Turn left on Hwy 221 toward Jefferson.
* School is on right, directly off of Hwy 221.
Additional hint: It's at the foot of Mt. Jefferson, not far past the left turn to downtown West Jefferson. 
Bonus news story -- In recent years, Green Hope (Cary) has been the scourge of NC Girls Cross Country.  They also have 225 runners.

Sunday, October 6, 2013


GoBlueRidge -- "WHS XC Competes at Wendy's Invite"

Kathleen ran in the front pack for a long time, enough to get her photo here with the winner Myers Park's #2 and #3.  She and Celia ran sub-20s.  The team ran well.  The heat and humidity were not great for running, even for the early races.  It was hot by noon, so we don't see too many big PRs.

Here's one NC Runners view of the results :

Watauga Girls

1) Celia Jackson
19:48       PR!  First sub 20!

2) Kathleen Mansure

3) Lily Weeks
20:55   PR

4) Lynde Wangler
22:18   best of the year

5) Lauren Welsh
22:40  PR by almost a minute

6) Finley Collins

7) Sophie Sloboda
23:31 PR by almost a minute


1) Michael Holland

2) Will Vandenberg

3) Jacob Soule
17:18  PR by over 30 seconds

4) Grant Pilkington
18:05  PR by over 30 seconds

5) Andrew Harrelson
18:07  by far his fastest time in 2 years!

6) Zack Styron

7) Matthew Hellenbrand

Full results
Girls Invitational:
Boys Invitational:
Girls Junior/Senior JV:  Rachel at #128
Girls Freshman/Sophomore JV:  Jesse was running again!  PRs: Barbara 25:14.  Sylvia 26:22.  Nicole 26:27.  Kasey 28:24.  Lindsay 30:46. 
Boys Junior/Senior JV:  PRs: Deshaun 22:56.  Ben 23:02.  ZackP 25:08.
Boys Freshman/Sophomore JV:   616 total runners!  PRs:  JohnC 20:35.  Sam 20:44.  Jarrett 21:01.  Evan 21:13 PR by a minute.  Daniel 21:23 PR by a minute.  MichaelW 21:30.  JakeB 21:50. 

Parking at the elementary school (just north of the park, on Monroe) was plentiful, by the way.  They had buses and vans making frequent trips to the park. I waited about 3 minutes total for the round trip.  (They had good air conditioning!  I heard a guy complaining about it a 9am, but nobody complained at 2pm.)

No details yet about who is running at the Ashe County meet Tuesday.  Watauga is not attending the United Way meet.

Volunteer for concessions this Friday.

Saturday, October 5, 2013

Wendy's results -- First look

NC Runners has results up --Results.

Girls: 22nd for team.  Celia Jackson PRs 19:48, for 43rd place. Kathleen Mansure just behing her, 19:58, 47th.

Boys: 22nd for team (just like Girls). Michael Holland, 16:54, for 61st place.  Will Vandenberg 17:12, 90th. Jacob Soule' just behind Will, with 17:18, for 95th.

Friday, October 4, 2013

NC Runners links. Directions and Parking.

There should be reports on the leaders through the morning on NC Runners (mixed in with reports from 2 other big meets in the state).  Full results should go up on NC Runners meet page, sometime during the afternoon.  Probably late afternoon.  NC Runners is planning a preview of the race, but it's not up yet, as of late Friday evening.

It may be too late, but here's an attempt at directions:  Google map.  I like this map of the course, and this map of the McAlpine Greenway
Coming from the north on I-77...take Brookshire Freeway (I-277) exit east to Independence Blvd (U.S. 74). Follow Independence Blvd. east (approx. 6 miles) until Village Lake Drive. Turn right onto Village Lake Drive. Travel on Village Lake Drive for less than a mile until it dead ends into Monroe Road. Turn left onto Monroe Road and McAlpine Creek Park will be less than a mile on your left (just before Railroad overpass).
And this from WendyV, from 2 years ago: "Usually if you go past the entrance to the park on your left, you will find overflow parking on the left at a shopping center just up the road.  It is much easier to get in and out if you park there.  Most of the time volunteers with vests will tell you where you can park - the businesses that are not open on Saturdays.  After you park, you just follow the others down a bank and go to the right at the bottom.  After you pass the train trestle, you will keep walking and usually see Watauga's tent on the left.  The starting line and finish will be straight ahead." 

Here are some of Coach Honea's videos from last year.  GirlsBoys.   

Thursday, October 3, 2013

McAlpine course -- Watauga has a pretty good record.

Here's the NC Runners page for Wendy'sNCPrepTrack will have other useful links.

I like this one. 

Fastest NC Schools All-Time at McAlpine

On both Boys and Girls lists, Watauga stands at #3. 

  7 Ricky Brookshire Watauga        14:57.7 1999 FootLocker
    Mike Clinebell   Watauga        15:14   1985 NCHSAA
    Patrick Phillips Watauga        15:27   1988 NCHSAA 4A
    Joe Lion         Watauga        15:27   1997 FootLocker
 69 Brian Greer      Watauga        15:35.4 1999 Great American
                   AVG FOR TOP 5:  [15:20.22]
 86 Will Hodges      Watauga        15:38.9 1994 NCHSAA 4A
 93 Ryan Woods       Watauga        15:40.2 1996 NCHSAA 4A
 94 Jody Corum       Watauga        15:40.5 1996 NCHSAA 4A
132 David Stroupe    Watauga        15:47.6 1998 NCHSAA 4A
    Daniel Osborne   Watauga        15:48   2010 NC 4A West Regional
    Peter Vandenberg Watauga        15:50.0 2011 NC 4A West Regional
154 Britt Marlowe    Watauga        15:50.2 1997 FootLocker
    Darby Middlebrook    Watauga     17:35.0  2011 4A West Regional
 24 Kristin Stroupe      Watauga     18:02.0  2001 Wendy's
    Hannah Barbour  Watauga     18:37.0  2010 FootLocker
 92 Addie Bower          Watauga     18:44.4  1994 NCHSAA 4A
    Madison Harman       Watauga     18:46.0  2011 4A West Regional
                   AVG FOR TOP 5:   [18:20.88]     
116 Marina Chase         Watauga     18:49.1  1998 NCHSAA 4A
119 Ginna Calloway       Watauga     18:50.0  2002 4A West Regional
138 Whitney Woods        Watauga     18:55.0  1997 Wendy's 
And Coach Mac must have coached many of these runners. 


Bus leaves at 6:00am 6:00am 6:00am Saturday

OK.  The bus will leave at 6:00am Saturday morning.

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Pre-Conference Meet results

Girls results:  Kathleen wins again.  The team squeaks out a win, 39 to 42, over Fred T. Foard.  Lily, Celia, Lauren, Lynde.  Sophia just barely missed beating the 4th and 5th FTF runners.  Rematch in 2 weeks, but congratulations on this one!  Keep training.

Boys results: The Watauga Boys did not win.  They lost narrowly to Fred T. Foard by 48 to 53.  One report is that Michael Holland (and others) lost the course and that he was disqualified.  This meet was a chance to see the course where we'll contest the Conference Championship in 2 weeks.  We should be ready for a rematch.  As it was, Will finished 3rd, and MattO, Jacob, ZackS, and Andrew scored team points too.  We'll take a longer look, but Gabe finished under 20:00 for a PR.  Grant, Bill, Gabe, and Connor all finished before the 5th FTF runner.

No JV races.  Everyone ran in the 2 races.

Draughn is not in the Northwestern 3A/4A, but they are from nearby Valdese.

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Wednesday and Saturday schedules. McAlpine Creek Park.

Wednesday -- Morganton
Wednesday's meet starts at 5:00pm.
Will there be JV races?  Probably.  Back to WHS at about 8:30-9:00pm. Maybe a little later, I'd guess.
There are directions to Freedom High School, Morganton, under Directions, in the column to the left.  But Coach Mac says that the buses will go through Avery County to avoid the construction in and around Blowing Rock.  G Map, 1:13 from Boone.
Fred T. Foard has a pretty strong team.

Saturday -- Charlotte
Coach Mac has posted the schedule.  Our team will be compete in 5 races.
Bus leaves WHS at 6:00am 5:45am
Arrive McAlpine Park by 9:00am (2:04 from Boone)

Girls Championship                                10:00am
Boys Championship                                10:30
Boys Individual Freshman/Sophomore   12:00
Girls Individual                                       12:30
Boys Individual Junior/Senior                 1:00
Back to WHS about 5:00pm

"Though surrounded by urban development, McAlpine Creek Greenway is the only greenway (in Charlotte) where you can see river otter, beaver, and mink all in one general area. Also protected at this greenway is Mecklenburg County's only population of a native Larkspur (Delphinium tricorne), a very rare, purple, showy, spring ephemeral wildflower.
188 species of birds have been documented along McAlpine Creek Greenway, the second highest site total in Mecklenburg County." according to Mecklenburg County Parks and Recreation.  
I like their Greenway map too.  Maybe an ambitious walker-spectator could park at the one of the more distant parking areas.

Last Saturday's meet
It was interesting to read the reporting on last Saturday's meet from Spring Valley High School (Columbia, NC).  Watauga has stomped everyone at our home meets in recent years.  "This is our first ever win at this invitational and our first win over host Watauga High."  Congratulations!